

i heard a fascinating conversation on NPR a few days ago regarding the need for religion. the main point stated that religion was created to explain things humans couldn't understand. we now understand more, so the need for religion to provide explanations has expired. of course, this does not address faith. you can still have that, if you like. ok.


call me

hello. my name is 1977, and i miss you. it has been some time since we have spoken. perhaps you have forgotten me, or at least forgotten my number. maybe you've moved on to another year, one that has different numbers, larger numbers or prime numbers. 1753, there is a good year, with prime numbers, ahhh, 1753. sorry, i digress. anyway, 1977 here is saying that i would love to hear from you. just use this handy device to look up my number. i think it is still in there. ok.