_ hello.
how are things going? i only ask because it has been some time since we have spoken, and i imagined in my mind that there were some things that may be going. that is to say, events in your life perhaps have moved to a place where they were not at the moment of our last conversation.
_ you are correct. things have happened to me since we last spoke.
and . . .?
_ i am debating whether i will tell you about them. i have serious doubts that you even remember who i am, and even more serious doubts that you remember who you are. these doubts then create additional mistrust that you will retain the information that you are asking me to impart at this moment.
so . . . hmm. i love you and can't stop thinking about you. does this help?
_ of course. i've been involved in several professions since our last meeting. i have several occupations and interests. they are, in no particular order . . .
1. a staff singer at a college radio station in north andover massachusetts. i sing station break call letters, promotions for visiting musicians, class schedule changes and announcements for ice cream socials, biology seminars and hoagie sale fundraisers.
2. mattress sale sign holder.
3. waterer of plants in corporate office park spaces.
4. constructor of white and kraft paper bags. specifically, the 25# shorty super strength beer bag.
5. Donny Osmond. just to be clear. i am not working for Donny Osmond. i am Donny Osmond. i thought that it was time that you know this.
thank you for answering my question. i feel that i have a better grasp of who you are, what you are doing and what you are capable of achieving. your response has certainly fulfilled the desire of my query "how are things going?" now i know. thank you. also, i don't really love you. i am sorry for tricking you in that way.
_you're welcome. and i know you don't love me. i just like talking about myself.
ok. good.