
warm leatherette

magic 103 WMGK. philadelphia. 1977. harry chapin is singing "taxi" and i am in the back seat of my mom's car. it is hot and august. something about that era feels like august, amber tinted photographs and refrigerators, brown, harvest gold, avocado. the beat hot sun and the lack of gas and the world blowing up and me getting burned on the warm leatherette, choking on the smoke coming from the car ashtray. chapin's taxi driver has just given into his life and is getting stoned, and his actress will continue her life of fake happiness. it's too bad that they couldn't communicate, or fall in love, or whatever. she gives him 20 bucks and he probably blows it on dope. it's a song about memory, but also about regret and lost opportunities. let's all agree we won't let this happen. ok.

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